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Romancing Saga 2: Revenge Of The Seven – Todas as Respostas do Quiz da Universidade


Em Romancing Saga 2: Revenge Of The Seven, a educação desempenha um papel importante para o progresso no jogo, especialmente ao construir a universidade. Além de desbloquear a classe de Estrategista, a universidade permite aos jogadores ganhar dinheiro adicional por meio de quizzes, com perguntas específicas sobre diferentes regiões do jogo e requisitos para desbloquear recompensas valiosas. Este guia traz todas as respostas conhecidas para os exames, ajudando jogadores a passarem com facilidade pelos desafios acadêmicos.


Como Desbloquear a Universidade em Romancing Saga 2: Revenge of the Seven

A universidade, junto com a Forja, o Laboratório de Encantamentos e o parque, é desbloqueada pelo menu de Desenvolvimento do trono. Para abrir a construção, o jogador precisa progredir na história, completando eventos e derrotando inimigos. O custo de construção inicial é de 1.000.000 de Coroas, e o tempo de construção é considerável. Para alcançar a atualização final, outros 1.000.000 de Coroas são necessários, desbloqueando novos conteúdos uma vez que o jogador atinge o status de Imperador Final.


Como Passar no Exame de Admissão da Universidade Imperial

Ao entrar na universidade pela primeira vez, os jogadores encontram um NPC no marcador de interrogação. Conversar com ele possibilita o acesso ao Exame de Admissão, composto por dez perguntas que devem ser respondidas corretamente para que o jogador se matricule e, depois, recrute o Estrategista.

Respostas do Exame de Admissão

  1. 772
  2. Estilo Oreon
  3. Rocbouquet
  4. Terrologia
  5. Roubo de Alma
  6. 10.000 Coroas
  7. Fissão
  8. Sentinela
  9. Bokhohn
  10. Sua renda atual (verifique antes do exame)

Respostas dos Exames Regionais

Cada exame regional tem um custo e oferece recompensas específicas, além de perguntas selecionadas de uma lista maior. Aqui estão as respostas para cada região:

North Varennes History Exam – Introductory

  • Custo: 10,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Beastly Claw x15, Small Horn x15, 100,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Emperor after Leon: Gerard
  • Took control of Somon: Kzinssie
  • Ordered the Sealed Cave sealed: Leon
  • A Formation passed down: Imperial Cross
  • Capital of Varennes: Avalon
  • The name of a fiend: Goblin
  • Serves the empire as a mercenary: Andromache
  • Port town: Somon
  • Where the ruler of the goblins went: Goblin Hideaway
  • Avalon’s inn name: Full Moon Inn
  • Gerard’s brother: Victor

North Varennes History Exam

  • Custo: 30,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Magical Claw x15, Harmonia x1, Imperial Salve x3, 300,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Guild in the Avalon Catacombs: Theives’ Guild
  • Name of the inventor in Somon: Hiraga
  • Spell research facility: Incantations Lab
  • Entrance to the rooftop route to the thieves: The Equipment Shop’s Fireplace
  • A facility where skilled individuals train: Imperial University
  • From Somon, you can sail to Miles and: Douglass
  • The inventor’s automaton: Coppelia
  • Elite force of Avalon soldiers: Imperial Guard
  • Picture of a squid-like fiend: Deep One
  • Facility where armaments are made: Smithy

South Varennes Theory

  • Custo: 10,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Hemp Cloth x15, Reddish Ore x15, 100,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Supporting the leader of the Canal Fortress: Bokhohn
  • Village the Martial Artists were protecting: Nibel
  • Number of dragon statues in the sanctum: Two
  • Name of the demonic winged monster: Gargoyle
  • Cave where Martial Artists train: Dragon Lair
  • What are Martial Artists skilled at: Martial Arts
  • What does Nibel not have: A Windmill
  • Person the canal is named after: Victor
  • The moniker of the Dragon Lair leader: Master Dragon

Ludon Culture And Geology Exam

  • Custo: 10,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Reddish Ore x20, Diamond x1, 100,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Picture of a zombie dragon fiend: Rot Dragon
  • Cause of the Ludon Mines deaths: A Magical Stone
  • The beautiful lake in Ludon Highlands: Lake Aqua
  • A decoration atop the inn in Tefal: A Weathervane
  • Picture of lizard-like fiends: Lizardlady
  • Ludon Highlands are between Ludon and: Nazelle
  • Rope bridges near Tefal Mines: Two
  • Building connected to Tefal pub: Inn
  • Name of the mine in Ludon: Gemstone Mine
  • Weapon crafted once Ludon joins: Spears

Exame de Estudos de Nazelle

  • Custo: 10,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Hemp Cloth x20, Silk Cloth x5, Silver x1, 100,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Village the Saigo people trade with: Toba
  • The Saigo people’s domesticated livestock: Mu
  • A location picture with a hole: Child & Mu’s Calf Cave
  • Hero absorbing fiends in Nazelle: Dantarg
  • A location picture with stone pillars: Southern Subterrane
  • Place the Saigo people pass through: Nazelle Strait
  • Place the Saigo people could NOT pass through: Ludon Highlands
  • Child and mu calf clue: The mu calf’s call
  • A location picture with bright rays of sunlight: Eastern Subterrane
  • Seabreeze shell allows hearing the voice of: Narwhal

Exame de Estudos Navais de North Longit

  • Custo: 10,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Reddish Ore x10, Silver Ore x5, Messina Ore x5, 100,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Route Corsairs use to and from Mobelm: Waterway Maze
  • Land route to the Corsairs’ base: Cape Chalier
  • Messina Mines metal: Iron
  • Fiend at the bottom of Messina Mines: Earth Faerie
  • Mobelm Innkeeper’s disguise: An Old Man
  • A picture of a building in Mobelm: Corsair Hideout
  • From Mobelm docks, you can go to Atlanticus and: Toba
  • The Corsairs can take you to: The Leon Bridge
  • Finish the lyrics: Lifeblood

Exame de Turismo de South Longit

  • Custo: 30,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Small Horn x10, Twisted Horn x5, Magnificent Horn x3, 300,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Cause of the storm: Garon
  • Where does the potion-maker live?: Witch’s Sanctum
  • What Toba is famous for: Sea Swallow Nest
  • A potion you can buy from the Witch: Spirit Liquor
  • Tobans trade partners: Saigo Clansmen
  • Place you can go from the Atlanticus docks: Toba
  • Place you can go from the Toba docks: Mobelm
  • Item required to get to the sunken ship: Mermaid Potion
  • Potion the Witch made for an Atlanticus resident: A Love Potion

Exame de Sociologia de Cumberland

  • Custo: 30,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Silk Cloth x10, Silver Ore x10, 300,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Describes the soldiers of Castle Nerak: Stoic
  • Path through Douglass leads to: Thomas’s Secret Base
  • Child of Harold who ruled over Hofah: Sophia
  • Child of Harold who ruled over Castle Nerak: Georg
  • A building only present in Hofah: A School
  • Name of a worm monster: Duneworm
  • A ship that heads east from Hofah gets into trouble where?: Comroon Strait
  • The youngest child of Harold: Thomas
  • From Douglass, you can sail to Somon and: Miles

Exame da Ilha de Comroon

  • Custo: 30,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Gold Ore x3, Steel Thread x3, Obsidian x1, 300,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Race living in Zemio: Salamander
  • Individual on the west side of the island: Sorcerer
  • The profession of the Tsukijima person who wants the grimoire of eld: Diviner
  • Place you can reach from Tsukijima docks: Mowlie
  • Item needed to trade with the people of Zemio: Stone Boat
  • Item wanted by the sorcerer: Grimoire of Eld
  • Direction from Zemio to Mt. Comroon: South

Estudos das Estepes

  • Custo: 10,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Beastly Claw x20, Quality Balm x20, Superior Balm x10, 100,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Region southwest of the Steppe: North Longit
  • Region southeast of the Steppe: Savannah
  • Landship’s purpose: Manufacturing Narcotics
  • Nomads’ problem: The Inability to Procure Herbs
  • Bartender’s difference from the Seven Heroes: Level
  • Where is a suspicious job on offer?: Miles
  • Number of locations the Nomads move between: Three
  • Who constructed the Landship: Bokhohn
  • Location passed through from the Steppe to Bihara: Savannah

Pesquisa da Savannah

  • Custo: 10,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Small Horn x20, Twisted Horn x10, 100,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Earthy craftsmen beneath the Savannah: Mole
  • Fiend inhabiting the Termite Den: Queen
  • Region to the northwest of Savannah: The Steppe
  • Region to the southeast of Savannah: Salamat
  • Why is a village abandoned: Attacked by Termites
  • How many holes connect the Termite Den: Two
  • Picture of a bug-like monster who appears at night: Termitator
  • Town southwest of the Savannah: Bihara
  • The profession of the allies from the Savannah: Hunter
  • The name of the village the Hunter resides in (picture question): Ostro

Exame de Caçador Misterioso de Melu

  • Custo: 30,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Magical Claw x10, Mythical Claw x3, Mottled Ore x1, 300,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Wandering Lake locations: Three
  • What happens upon drinking Wandering Lake water: LP is Reduced to 1
  • Start of combat in Melu Desert: HP is decreased
  • Defenders of Teretuva: Desert Guard
  • Towers in Teretuva: Four
  • Region to the southwest of Melu Desert: Austeros
  • Where can you travel by boat from Bihara?: Lake Wyringa
  • Who sent fiends to Teretuva: Noel

Sobrevivente de Salamat

  • Custo: 30,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Silk Cloth x10, Superior Cloth x3, Royal Amber x1, 300,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Region northwest of Salamat: Savannah
  • Fiend in the Sunken Tower: Water Dragon
  • Region north of Salamat: Comroon Island
  • Profession of the Salamat warriors: Amazon
  • Picture of a stone statue monster, guarding a shrine: Guardian
  • Place you can reach from Mowlie docks: Tsukijima
  • What happens after the Mowlie person’s service: Nothing
  • Hero worshipped as Queen of Eirunep: Rocbouquet
  • Function of the Amazon Village trap: You Fall Underground

Exame de Conhecimento Enciclopédico de Yauda

  • Custo: 30,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Meteorite x1, Spirit Liquor x10, Divine Liquor x5, 300,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Who served the ruler of Castle Chonto?: Sekishusai
  • Profession of those who protect the King of Yauda: Levante Guard
  • Direction of Castle Chonto to Liangshan: West
  • Direction of Yauda to Mt. Chikapa: East
  • Who threatened Yauda?: Wagnas
  • Picture of a dragon flying around the Floating Castle: Ice Dragon
  • Music-loving people of Mt. Chikapa: Iris

Todas as Respostas dos Exames de Resumo em Romancing Saga 2: Revenge of the Seven

Os membros fundadores da Guarda Imperial se apresentam em Romancing Saga 2: Revenge of the Seven. Esses exames ficam disponíveis após completar uma quantidade suficiente de exames anteriores e testam aspectos mais complexos do seu conhecimento.

Estudos Imperiais – Preliminar

  • Custo: 30,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Anima Draught x3, Imperial Salve x1, 300,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Why did the martial artists have trouble: Their Martial Arts Were Ineffective
  • Children found in which town: Nibel
  • Name of the Douglass Inn: The Half Moon Inn
  • Mermaid Potion drink number limit: Three
  • Aristocrat’s net worth: Uncountable
  • Maximum gemstone value: 90,000 Crowns
  • Song sung by Avalon citizens: O Magnificent Avalon
  • The Minstrel’s instrument: Minstrel’s Flute
  • The Imperial Blacksmith’s House: House Fabri
  • The pride of Hofah: Their Fresh Sea Bounty

Estudos Imperiais – Qualificação

  • Custo: 50,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Magical Claw x5, Twisted Horn x5, Silver Ore x5, Silk Cloth x5

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • An intense flame that can scald Salamanders: Hellfire
  • What do you need to accept suspicious work in Miles: High Strength
  • Name of the fiend vexing the Queen of Eirunep: Ruffle Tree
  • Town inaccessible when there is a storm: Toba
  • Equipment crafted with magic stone fragments: Darkstone Ring
  • Who says “This ghastly form of mine…”: Garon
  • Picture of a large, thick tree: Savannah
  • Who says “Y-you’re… not really the Emperor… are you?”: Hippoman
  • Who can craft equipment out of magic stone fragments: Mole

Respostas do Exame de Combate

Esses exames testam seu conhecimento sobre as Técnicas e Magias disponíveis no jogo. Quanto mais difícil o quiz, maior o nível esperado. Muitos desses quizzes exigem que você:

  • Passe nos exames anteriores do mesmo tipo (por exemplo, passar no exame para Iniciantes para acessar o Intermediário).
  • Alcance um determinado ponto na história.
  • Melhore a universidade.

Se houver quizzes que você não consegue ver, experimente seguir esses três métodos.

Exame de Maestria em Técnicas – Iniciante

  • Custo: 10,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Natural Essence x5, 100,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Tech that causes Paralysis: Blunt Strike
  • A Sword tech: Double Cut
  • Tech that causes Stun: Stun Slash
  • A Club tech: Spin Thrust
  • Tech that causes Confusion: Id Break
  • Tech that causes Sleep: Headblow
  • A Greatsword tech: Hard Slash
  • A Bow tech: Stunner
  • A Spear tech: Sweep
  • A tech that Victor was skilled at: Flowing Slash
  • A Shortsword tech: Feint
  • A Martial Arts tech: Daze
  • A tech that deflects, then counterattacks: Windmill
  • A tech that deflects, preventing damage: Parry
  • A tech that restores HP: Way of Focus

Exame de Maestria em Técnicas – Intermediário

  • Custo: 30,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Messina Ore x1, Steel Thread x1, Power Belt x1, 300,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Mad Biter can cause: Berserk
  • A tech that breaks its weapon: Staff Strike
  • A Greatsword tech: Jolting Slash
  • A tech from a trident: Poseidon Shot
  • A tech glimmered from Crescent Sword: Moonfall Slash
  • Critical damage to beasts: Beast Slayer
  • Critical damage to plants: Cut Timber
  • A tech that causes Stun: Vertical Strike
  • Whirlwind’s area of effect: Straight
  • Which stat does Berserk NOT affect?: Dexterity
  • A tech glimmered from Kick: Sobat
  • Ranged Axe tech: Throw Axe
  • Cross Cut’s critical damage is to: Undead

Exame de Maestria em Técnicas – Avançado

  • Custo: 50,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Obsidian x1, Uncanny Gloves x1, 500,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Tech that doesn’t cause instant death: Airwave
  • Tech that does cause instant death: Dimensional Break
  • Prominence is the tech from which weapon: Blazing Sword
  • Which thrown item deals ranged damage: Mach Blade
  • A tech that Stuns: Glamor Blade
  • An untargetable tech: Empty Blade
  • Deals critical damage to floating foes: Falling Phoenix
  • A tech that can deal damage OR heal: Staff Strike
  • Floral Extravaganza belongs to which weapon: Star of Ilorina
  • Instant death to frog enemies: Snake Shot
  • Tech that increases in hit number with weapon level: Yo-yo
  • Weapon that grants Dance of Death: Vorpal Axe
  • Tech from an Exorciser: Exorcism Blade

Exame de Maestria em Técnicas – Especialista

  • Custo: 80,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Meteorite x1, Harmonia x1, Spectral Sword x1, 800,000 Crowns
  • Requisito: Apenas disponível após passar no nível Especialista.

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Tech that doesn’t have the same effect as Eulogy: Destruction
  • Tech that doesn’t have the same effect as Psycho Shot: Ozone Beat
  • Tech that doesn’t have the same type as Aqua Luna: Fire Dragon Flood
  • Tech that doesn’t have the same type as Swallow Reversal: Barrage Shot
  • Deals more damage the more times you’ve been attacked: Still Blade
  • Tech with a delay before activation: Starlight Arrows
  • An unavoidable tech: Lifesteal
  • A tech that can cause enemies to flee: Life Blade
  • Tech that decreases physical defense: Nutcracker
  • Divine Lancer decreases strength and: Speed
  • A tech belonging to the cosmology school: Evil Crush
  • Weapon that grants Fire Dragon Flood: Red Quartz Rod
  • Weapon that grants Swooping Dragon: Gae Bulg
  • Tech that shares an effect with Treecleaver: Cut Timber

Exame de Maestria em Magias – Iniciante

  • Custo: 10,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Puissance Liquor x10, Spirit Liquor x5, 100,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Spell that targets only the caster: Self-Immolation
  • Spell that cannot exist with Blades of Wind: Gilden Strength
  • Spell that cannot exist with Gilden Strength: Blades of Wind
  • Status ailment not cured by Physic Water: Petrification
  • Pulverize’s area of effect: Single
  • Spell that causes Stun: Entangle
  • Attacks defended by Air Screen: Aerology
  • Missile Shield nullifies which attacks?: Bow
  • Status ailments not cured by Life Water versions: Sleep
  • Attacks defended by Self-Immolation: Pyrology
  • Sunray deals critical damage to: Undead
  • Gilden Strength raises which stat: Strength
  • A spell that can be learned with Water Blast: Earth Heal
  • Mist Cover’s main effect: Untargetable by Enemies
  • Status ailment caused by Light Ball: Blindness
  • Cannot exist with Fireball: Life Water

Exame de Maestria em Magias – Intermediário

  • Custo: 30,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Diamond x1, Silver x1, Magician’s Boots x1, 300,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Water Dance increases which attribute: Physical Defense
  • Techs not defended against by Sword Barrier: Blade Net
  • Damaging spell that decreases speed: Heatwave
  • Status ailment inflicted by Flame Whip: Paralysis
  • Status ailment not cured by Earth Heal: Poison
  • Fireball versions’ area of effect: Circle
  • Status ailment inflicted by Cyclone Squeeze: Stun
  • Water Blast versions’ area of effect: Straight
  • Attack combo defended by Fire Wall: Pyro./Hydro.
  • Stone Shower’s area of effect: All
  • Status ailment cured by Life Water: Paralysis
  • Diamond Dust’s two magic schools: Cosmo./Hydro.
  • Faerie Glow increases which stat: Speed
  • Saint Fire deals critical damage to Undead and: Demon
  • Ailment not cured by Earth Heal: Poison
  • Ailment not cured by Elixir: Petrification
  • Enemy type immune to HP Absorb: Undead

Exame de Maestria em Magias – Avançado

  • Custo: 50,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Mottled Ore x1, Royal Amber x1, Divine Liquor x5, 500,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Firestorm’s spell schools: Pyro./Aero.
  • Solar Wind’s spell schools: Cosmo./Aero.
  • Call Lightning’s spell schools: Hydro./Aero.
  • Flashfire inflicts which status: Stun
  • The spell’s effect stacks: Dragon Pulse
  • When do stronger versions of Light Wall resolve: At the End of the Turn
  • Prism Light inflicts which status: Confusion
  • Heat Hand grants Salamander Claw and: Red Drake Wave
  • What can Reviver cure?: Incapacitated
  • What can Restoration not cure?: Incapacitated
  • Spell that causes instant death: Sunspot Destroyer
  • Attacks prevented by Light Wall: All
  • Spells prevented by Gilden Shield: Terrology
  • Attribute increased by Hasten Time: Command Speed
  • Status ailment caused by Crimson Flare: Blindness

Convite para Umbrologia

  • Custo: 80,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Anima Draught x5, 800,000 Crowns

Perguntas e Respostas:

  • Deadly Drive’s area of effect: All
  • Wracking’s status ailment: Stun
  • Tech granted by Claw Barrage: Hell Claw
  • Dark Sphere’s second magic school: Aerology
  • Spell not prevented by Wraith Form: Ill Storm
  • Spell with an effect immune to Vortex: Claw Barrage
  • Umbrology scales with which stat?: Reason
  • Spell that can’t be learned by Wracking users: Light Ball
  • Tech not prevented by Shadow Servant: Fissure Strike
  • Status ailment inflicted by Horror: Confusion

Todos os Exames Finais

Os exames finais da Imperial University em Romancing Saga 2: Revenge of the Seven são desbloqueados após a conclusão de um número significativo de exames regionais. Estes testes de graduação consolidam o conhecimento sobre diversas áreas do jogo, abrangendo perguntas de exames regionais anteriores.

Exame de Graduação da Universidade Imperial – Bacharelado

  • Custo: 50,000 Crowns
  • Recompensa: Panacea x3, Gaia Essence x1, Barrier Stone x1, 500,000 Crowns
  • Descrição: Este exame não possui perguntas exclusivas. Em vez disso, ele é desbloqueado quando você conclui uma grande quantidade de exames regionais (excluindo os de Maestria em Técnicas e Magias) e pode conter perguntas de qualquer um desses quizzes.

Com este guia, você pode concluir todas as perguntas do quiz da universidade de Romancing Saga 2: Revenge of the Seven, aproveitando as recompensas máximas ao longo da jornada.

Eric Arraché
Eric Arraché
Eric Arraché Gonçalves é o Fundador e Editor do Critical Hits. Desde pequeno sempre quis trabalhar numa revista sobre videogames. Conforme o tempo foi passando, resolveu atualizar esse sonho para um website e, após vencer alguns medos interiores, finalmente correu atrás do sonho.